How to use shungite

Shungite stones are said to possess some incredible abilities and powers of positivity and harmony. The stone is completely dark black in color and has a chemical composition that includes more than 98 percent carbon. In terms of its chemical composition, the stone is quite similar to graphite and diamond, but its characteristics are pretty different. It has a lustrous surface that gives off a silver tinge on exposure to light.
The stone is popularly known by a number of different names, “The Miracle Stone” and “The Stone of Life” being two of them. The surface of the stone is very hard and sturdy, but it is pretty light for its structural composition.
Uses and benefits of Shungite
Before learning about ways of using this stone, it is important to understand the shungite uses so that it can be used in the proper manner. The stone, owing to its characteristic properties, has a number of benefits and uses for any person using it. The stone is used widely in astrology, Feng Shui and even by Crystal Therapists due to the many magical properties that it is believed to possess. There also a few physical benefits of the stone for human health, which has made this stone pretty popular among people for the preservation of their health.
Some of the most important benefits and uses of shungite include:
- Drinking water that has been infused with shungite can rejuvenate the cells within the body. This helps to cleanse the body of impurities, and promotes physical health. There is substantial evidence to show that shungite infused water can be used for the effective treatment of insomnia and anxiety disorders. This water can also be used for treating acne or other such inflammations in the body.
- The presence of the shungite stone helps in obtaining adequate protection from Electromagnetic Frequencies of EMFs. These frequencies are emitted by any electromagnetic devices such as phones, TVs, cell phone towers and even radios. When these emissions react with the brain cells or cells from other parts of the body, they cause a great deal of damage to the human body. Having a shungite stone in the vicinity can shield you from these harmful EMFs as the stone has the tendency to absorb such emissions.
- Keeping a shungite stone with you will also shield you from any psychic or unnatural occurrences. Many people do not really believe in such things, but there have been evidence of people getting involved psychic events. Such events can often have very harmful and dangerous outcomes for the people involved, and thus, must be avoided at all costs. Wearing a shungite stone at all times can definitely help you avoid such psychic occurrences.
- Shungite can help to protect you from any dark magic or spells that can harm you. Black is often considered to be the color for protection from the darkness of spells and magic in almost every form of magic in the west. This helps the dark black color of shungite to act as a shield that will protect you from any evil spells that could cause a great deal of damage to you, physically, mentally and spiritually.
- The stone is known to possess some form of magical powers that can promote balance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. If you are suffering from any mental distress or emotional turmoil, keeping a shungite stone with you can be of great help to ushering in peace and calm to your mental and emotional state. You will feel your spirits lifting up, and you will be able to deal with your difficult situations with calm and composure.
- Shungite is particularly effective in getting rid of negative energy or thoughts surrounding you. Regardless of whether you are at home or your office, a small shungite stone in the vicinity can help you overcome any negativity in the area and usher in oodles of positive vibes. This will help you deal with every situation in a positive manner and enable you to work towards your goals with focus
- Shungite is very helpful in focusing and channeling all of your positive energies and efforts towards your ambition. This will help you to work towards your goals with more focus and determination, enabling you to be successful without many disturbances. Even when you are faced with unforeseen challenges, shungite powder uses all the positive energy in your body as well as your surroundings to help you face and overcome those challenges with sufficient ease.
- Shungite can help you to improve your self-belief and empower you to overcome every obstacle in life with sufficient ease. You will be oozing confidence in every walk of life, and this will not only help you succeed in all your endeavors, but also help you maintain healthy relationships with every individual in your life. The stone also promotes calmness and composure that will help you to interact with other people affluently. The calmness in your nature will also rub off on the people you interact with, making your relationships more enjoyable and fun for you.
There are plenty of other uses and benefits of the shungite stone. These benefits are the prime reasons behind the widespread popularity of this stone, and make it a must-have item for your most prized collection. Every person who has the desire to enhance their life must use a shungite stone in some form or the other.
How to use the shungite stone
In order to obtain the best benefits of the shungite stone, it is imperative to use the stone in the proper and designated manner. Improper use of the stone might not help you to obtain the benefits as you wish. There are, however, a variety of different ways to use the stone, and each of these ways can benefit you differently. Hence, it is important for you to know how to use the stone properly.
Discussed below are some ways in which you can use the shungite stone.
- For spiritual benefits and personal growth
If you are looking to use the shungite stone in order to benefit mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you need to use the stone in some form of a jewelry item. You can do this by incorporating the stone into a pendant, ring, necklace, earrings, and even in a brooch. This will help you to wear the stone not only for the many benefits that it has to offer, but also for making a style statement. This will help you to ensure that the stone is always near you as it will only benefit you if you keep it close.
The stone has a number of magical properties and absorbs the negative energy surrounding you. In order to do so, however, it is imperative for the stone be near you at all times. Hence, you must embed the stone in a jewelry item that you are likely to use every moment of your daily life. For such reasons, it is best to use the stone as a pendant or in a ring as you are likely to wear these jewelry items at all times. Moreover, you must also remember that despite their sturdy surfaces, shungite stones seem to be very brittle and fragile. Even the slightest of taps could cause the surface of the stone to crack.
Hence, you must ensure that the stone is kept safe at all times, and prevent it from clashing against any hard surfaces. You can also use the stone in combination with other crystals and stones for your benefit. Shungite is presumed to amplify any positive energy it comes across. So, if you use a particular stone for its benefit, using it in tandem with a shungite stone will simply amplify the effects of that stone. It will also help you to promote harmony and calm to your body and mind.
- For physical benefits
In order to understand how to use shungite for healing physical aspects of your body, you must first understand the physical benefits of the stone. The stone is greatly beneficial in cleansing the cells within your body. This will help you to heal any physical ailments that you may be experiencing, and prevent them from reoccurring in the future. At the same time, shungite stone can also be used to regulate sleep and reduce anxiety issues. Hence, you can obtain substantial relief from your anxiety issues or even treat insomnia by using the shungite stone.
In order to obtain these benefits, you need to consume water that has been infused with the shungite stone. For this, you need to soak a small piece of the stone in water for 10-15 minutes. Following this, you must take the stones out and drink the water. You can use cold or lukewarm water for this purpose. If you want to drink lukewarm water, you can boil the water and then drop the stone into the water. The water will cool down slightly while the stone is soaking. When the water cools down considerably, you can remove the stone and drink the water.
Using hot water for this purpose can benefit you a great deal as the heat of the water amplifies the beneficial properties of the stone. The positive effects of drinking the water will be absorbed by your body more easily and swiftly. However, you must clean the stone before and after use and this process must be executed every time you decide to use the stone. You can clean the stone simply by soaking it in clean water before and after use. There is no need to use any special cleaning agent to wash the stone. Cleaning the stone regularly will prevent you from being affected by any germs or other microbial organisms that may have accumulated on the surface of the stone while it was not in use.
The best stones and crystals to combine with shungite
Although the shungite stone is very powerful to offer you the benefits when used in isolation, they can also be used in combination with other stones for additional benefits. As mentioned earlier, shungite tends to amplify the benefits and effects of the stones it is combined with. So, if you are using any particular stone for a specific benefit, the use of shungite will help you reap the benefits in a higher quantity.
Moreover, shungite is also known to absorb negative energy surrounding it. This can often contribute a great deal to your confrontational attitudes, and make you prone to sudden outbursts during the initial periods of use. During this time, it can be of great help if you combine the stone with another elite crystal that promotes harmony and calm in everyday life. This will help you to accept the negativity emanating from the people surrounding you with more calm and composure.
Stones like Pearls, Opals and Rubies can be particularly effective for the purpose. While pearls can be very effective in promoting overall harmony between you and the people you interact with, Rubies will help you to act with assurance. You will be able to measure each action you take after careful consideration. This will not only prevent you from taking and sudden actions of hotheadedness, but will also ensure that you are able to behave with the people around you in a calm and polite manner. This can be particularly helpful when you are dealing with tough situations involving relationships that you deeply care about.
You must, however, know how to use shungite in combination with these stones or they could simply blow up in your face. You might experience worse symptoms if the combinations of these stones are blended appropriately. Using shungite properly will not only help to protect you from the darkness and gloom of the negativity surrounding you, but can also promote positivity and self-empowerment in every cell of your body as well as your spirit.Shungite is immensely popular around the world for its magical properties, and this popularity is gradually on the rise with each passing day. There are plenty of benefits and advantages on offer, making this stone a must-have for your collection if you want to improve the quality of your life.